A Global Missions Project
Change Cans
Our change cans program is part of our global ministry where our church members can collect change around their home to help provide audio translations of Scripture for people who do not have the Bible in their own language, through a partner program called Faith Comes by Hearing.
Our change cans may be picked up at our Welcome Centers at both campuses.
If you want to learn more on how you can assist with our global ministry project, Change cans please feel free to contact Paula Niz at pniz@fmhouston.com

Faith Comes By Hearing helps millions of people have access to the Gospel in the language and format they understand.
Find out more at www.faithcomesbyhearing.com
Becas Con Bendiciones, CRU, Faith Comes by Hearing, Feed My Lambs, Global Media Outreach, ILI, International Justice Mission, Jeremiah Missions, Living Water International, Mission Border Hope, Mission of Hope Haiti, Mission on the Move, Open Hearts Nicaragua,
Salud y Paz, Whitestone Ministries Children’s Home
For more information on any of our global partners, contact Paula Niz at pniz@fmhouston.com.